Map/California/Huntington Park

Huntington Park personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $51,205

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

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Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $21500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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Huntington Park

Huntington Park, located in Southeast Los Angeles County, is known for its vibrant Latino community and cultural events. Established in 1906, it spans just over 3 square miles and has a rich history in the arts and manufacturing. The city hosts the annual "Carnaval Primavera," showcasing live entertainment and street fair attractions. Despite its small size, Huntington Park serves as a bustling hub of commerce and family life, with a dense population exceeding 58,000 residents.

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energy icon


Huntington Park, located in Los Angeles County, has made significant strides in energy efficiency through various city-led initiatives and state-driven mandates. The city has updated many of its facilities with energy-efficient lighting and HVAC systems. A push for solar energy installations in residential areas is evident, with incentives such as the California Solar Initiative backing the installations. In response to California's ambitious renewable energy goals, Huntington Park has encouraged local businesses to participate in energy-saving programs like the Savings By Design, which offers financial incentives for energy-efficient building designs. The city also promotes the use of Energy Star appliances among its residents to reduce electricity consumption. Additionally, through the Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) program, property owners can finance energy efficiency improvements, which has bolstered green energy adoption within the city. The municipal code has been revised to incorporate green building standards, further reflecting the community's commitment to sustainability. Huntington Park is also served by Southern California Edison, which has committed to carbon neutrality by 2045, supporting the city’s overall efforts to minimize energy-related carbon emissions.

energy icon


Water conservation is critical in Huntington Park, particularly given California's history of droughts. The city adheres to the water efficiency standards set by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, which includes various rebate programs such as turf replacement incentives aimed at reducing outdoor water use. Indoors, there's a focus on water-efficient fixtures, with rebate programs available for both residential and commercial properties that install high-efficiency toilets and washing machines. The city has also invested in smart irrigation systems for public spaces, ensuring that water use is optimized and waste is minimized. Education programs are in place to inform residents about the importance of water conservation and the best practices for achieving it. Huntington Park has also looked to utilize drought-tolerant landscaping and local stormwater capture facilities to enhance its water resilience. All these efforts contribute to the city's aim of not only meeting but exceeding the water use reduction targets set forth by California's long-term water efficiency laws, ensuring a sustainable future for the local water supply.

energy icon


Transportation efficiency in Huntington Park is facilitated by its proximity to multiple modes of public transportation, which are managed by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro). The city promotes the use of Metro's bus and rail lines by supporting enhanced transit connectivity within city limits. Various local initiatives encourage residents to opt for carpooling, biking, and walking, reducing the reliance on single-occupancy vehicles and the associated greenhouse gas emissions. Bike-friendly infrastructure is becoming more prevalent, reflecting a commitment to sustainable transportation options. Furthermore, the city has invested in the development of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, spurred by both state mandates and local interests in reducing transportation-related emissions. Huntington Park residents are eligible for state and federal incentives for purchasing EVs, and the local government has taken steps to integrate electric vehicles into its municipal fleet, further emphasizing the move towards cleaner transportation. The city’s transportation policies are aligned with California's goals to reduce vehicle miles traveled and transition to a cleaner, more efficient transportation system.

energy icon


Waste management in Huntington Park is in line with California's statewide efforts to reduce landfill waste and promote recycling and composting. The city has implemented mandatory commercial recycling and organic waste diversion programs, in compliance with the California Assembly Bill 341 and 1826, respectively. Residents are encouraged to separate their waste into recyclables, organics, and trash, with curbside collection programs supporting these efforts. The city has also adopted a zero waste policy, aspiring to divert 100% of waste from landfills through waste reduction, reuse, and recycling. Electronic waste recycling events are periodically organized, providing a responsible avenue for disposing of hazardous materials. Businesses are offered waste assessments to optimize their waste management practices. Huntington Park's commitment to waste reduction is also reflected in its support for statewide initiatives like the Plastic Bag Ban and the expansion of the California Redemption Value (CRV) program for beverage containers. Incentives for businesses to adopt packaging and product designs that reduce waste generation have been recognized as an important step toward achieving the city's waste efficiency goals.